Hey you! Thanks for coming to my site. In case we haven’t met yet, I’m Tara and I just love writing content that will encourage and inspire you to live your best life possible.
This website was created to do just that, to provide you with content that will help you relax into the best version of your life. Specifically, I want to help you tap into your subconscious mind to help you achieve personal success. To do this, the focus is on meditation, the way we talk to ourselves, and our dreams. Meditation allows you to quiet your mind enough to focus on what you want, while being receptive to “hearing” the answers on how to achieve it. The way we perceive the world around us, and the words we use to express ourselves, both internally and externally, directly correlates to how we experience our lives. Our dreams give us the answers and ideas we need in order to achieve our goals.
I am passionate about people! I love to look at and question why we do what we do. Nature versus nurture is a question that has fascinated me since I was a child. I am not a licensed therapist. I do have degrees in both psychology and sociology, which I obtained from UCLA, and am currently studying metaphysics through the University of Metaphysics to develop my understanding of self-hypnosis. I am an average person who is intrigued by humans, I am genuinely interested in questions like: Why do we make the choices we make? Why we do what we do? How we can change in order to live a better and more fulfilling life? How can we tap into our subconscious mind to influence our conscious experience?
Please feel free to comment and tell me what you want to read! Overall, I hope you find the content useful and applicable to your life journey.